Silent Auction Donations

2025 Listing of Silent Auction Items

We are so thankful for all the businesses that are supporting our annual car shows year after year, by donating items to our silent auction.

As we begin to receive items for our 2025 Car Show we'll be updating this page with the listing.  Check back in the coming months.

AFJROTC is a voluntary course at Leander High School that instills in cadets the values of discipline, leadership, ethics, citizenship, community service, education, proper dress and physical exercise.  This program gives cadets a place to belong and thrive and honestly can make a difference in cadets’ lives.   

We are extremely grateful to our businesses for their enduring partnership and support! 

We are currently seeking assistance and support of this year’s event to make it our biggest event to date!  The Leander High School Air Force JROTC 4th Annual Car Show is a family friendly event that will feature Live Music, Vendors, Veteran Recognition, Silent Auction, Food, and Family Fun!  We are expecting 100+ car participants and 400-600 spectators.  


100% of all the proceeds from the event goes directly to the cadets and helps support the program throughout the year in the following various capacities to assist with the costs of:  uniforms, competitions, leadership programs and educational trips.  


Please indicate which item(s) your business can donate in support of our event, by emailing us at  


· Silent Auction Item/Basket:  Any item that has a value of $50 or more.  Can also pick a theme (spa, coffee, gardening, BBQ, sports, etc.) and build your own basket, or we make the basket for you.  

·  Goodie Bag Contribution:  Any item you can spare 100 pieces for the car show participants.  The first 100 registered will receive a goodie bag.

We ask that you also provide Company Name, Contact Name and Website for to us recognize all our businesses throughout the event.  


AFJROTC TX-20007 Booster Club is recognized by the IRS as a 501(c)(3) non-profit Federal ID# 27-0978483